miley cyrus

Miley Cyrus klar til at klippe alt håret af

Af Marie Søndergaard 12. maj 2016
Bemærk at denne artikel er mere end et år gammel.
Tror I, det ville klæde hende, hvis hun var næsten helt skaldet?

Hun har før klippet sit lange hår i en kort frisure, men nu er Miley Cyrus åbenbart klar til at klippe nærmest det hele af! Hun er nemlig blevet rigtig træt af sit afblegede hår, så hun overvejer i øjeblikket simpelthen bare at klippe det farvede hår af – og så er hun VIRKELIG korthåret!

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På Instagram har hun skrevet en lang tekst til et billede, hvor hun beskriver, at hun faktisk godt vidste, at hun ville fortryde det, da hun endnu engang afblegede håret for et par måneder siden, og at hun slet ikke kan overskue det længere.

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- Enten skal det vokse ud i superfart, ellers går der ikke længe, før jeg skal klippes, skriver Miley blandt andet.

Learned a valuable lesson in this meaningless process. Bleached my fucking natural healthy a hair rebelling out of boredom while dealing with a consecutive amount of time off on the Woody project ( 2 months ago)! Sitting in a random apartment with nothing to do but smoke weed (which I should've just appreciated) and fuck with my hair obvi, something inside told me I'd regret it.... That hair color comes in a box (well maybe mine) therefore it's available to purchase and what grows from my scalp naturally is mine and and only mine!!! Not to mention I felt like a self obsessed psycho while real issues are out there in the world needing to be dealt with I was sitting in front of a mirror going thru strand by strand like my hair and what it looks like actually fucking matters! lol and now I'm out here looking like every Suzy Q & Sally B there is.... Either this shit needs to grow out at super speed or I'm about to go in for a fuckin hair cut realllllll quick!!! #imisstheoldme but I guess even writing this hunk of bull shit means I am thinking about my hair which is equally as lame and self obsessed as all of the above because really this fucking mop will make no difference to that fact Donald Trump is running for president (successfully) and climate change is extremely real and scary. So please fellow humans next time you feel that tickle in your belly while making a decision listen to what it says and know the true you can never be replicated or replaced you are the one and only you! So bad assssss! Ps if you ever start overthinking shit especially something as silly as hair.... go outside, smell a flower, center your thoughts and find something productive to do with your time.... I wish I would've taken a toke of my own medicine.... Everything is a learning experience.... Even hair LOL PPS this isn't to discredit hair cuts/color as a tool and creative way to express yourself!!!! So if a change is something that feels right to you - fucking DO IT! Don't over think it because in the end it is fucking hair and nothing you do is detrimental and will just be a new chapter for you my life is done chronologically in hair styles lol !!!!

Et billede slået op af Miley Cyrus (@mileycyrus) den

Vi tror egentlig, hun ville se ret nice ud med superkort hår. Tror I, hun har tålmodighed til, det gror ud, eller gætter I på, hun klipper det hele af?

Herunder kan du se nogle af Mileys vilde Instagram-billeder!
